Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stolen idea

So maybe its because I actually wrote something yesterday and then was prompted to read other blogs today but I have decided to post again today. Still haven't come to a final decision on the ending of this blog but until I have why not post this fun Get to Know Me that I saw on a friends blog.

Just a disclaimer I am posting this because its fun and because as I read through hers I realized how much my own answers have changed since I last filled one of these out.

Meet ME!! Q&A

Favorite Fruit:I love Mangos. Seriously I could eat them every day. Especially yellow mangos. I wished we lived in Hawaii so I could have my own mango tree. ( I realize you can have mango trees in other areas then Hawaii but I loved that they just go wild there and plus Hawaii is gorgeous!)

Favorite Sentimental Movie:  Not sure if this counts but I like Stranger Than Fiction

Favorite Cheesy Horror Movie: I am not a fan of horror films cheesy or otherwise. So I got nothing for ya on this one. Mainly because normal horror films are to scary and cheesy ones just seem pointless. If I wanna be scared all I have to do is watch something on I.D (investigative discovery) and can get frightened by the sounds that echo through my house. 

Favorite Album: not sure. probably the mix Ryan made me that I listened to on the flight to his house Christmas Eve (the day before we got engaged) mainly because of the memories and though put into the album.

Favorite Type Of Cheese: Goat cheese (all kinds) 

Mac Or PC?: Mac

Favorite Age Group: my 30s have been way better than any other I have experienced so personally I love the 30s and hope it only gets better

Favorite Arctic Animal: Polar Bear

Favorite Book: Right now: The Hunger Games series so good

Favorite Disney Movie:  Mary Poppins

Favorite Bad Habit: mass consumption of Thin Mints

Favorite Season: Spring

Favorite Smell: Lilies and Ginger

Favorite meat: this seems like a strange question to me. Why would I have a favorite meat?  I guess I like filet

Type of clothing? maxi dresses

Position to sleep in? Back sleeper. 

Cartoon character? Woody from Toy Story

Stand up comedian? no idea

Place in the world: The Ocean!!!  St Lucia South Africa. Though id love to go to Fiji!!

TV show:  Parenthood, So You Think You Can Dance

Favorite Word: seriously

Favorite Thing That Flies: planes. mainly because its the one thing that gets me to my loved ones around the world quicker than anything else.

Favorite Thing to Do When Nervous: Bite the side of my lip

Favorite Planet: Earth

Favorite Reason for Laughter: My daughter and her randomness and Ryan and his awesome impressions of an irish dancer. hahaha

Favorite Children's Book: right now the Big Sister book we are reading to Lily to prep her for her sibling.

Favorite Location: anywhere Ryan is

Favorite Author: changes. there is no favorite. I need to read more to have a favorite. 

Favorite Food Topping: Salsa

Favorite Type of Weather: Sunshine and a light breeze. California Spring time....just bring me a hammock.

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