Thursday, October 13, 2011


First let me say that last night I took a Body Jam class at one of the gyms I work at. It was the first class Ive gone to in months that I havent taught myself, and I loved it!  I have to say that it was great to go to a class that was so challenging and to experience someone teaching who exhibits the same passion I feel when I am teaching my classes.

With that I had to stop and chat with the instructor afterwards so I could tell him just how much I liked the class and that I was looking into getting certified as well since I liked it so much. We ended up practicing some of the routines and discussing the hardships of training. The conversation led to chatting about our journeys with challenging our bodies to reach their best. This was interesting for me to discuss with a man who is by no means obsessed with how he ooks but cares enough to be healthy and fit. He knows his weaknesses and his limits. He challenges himself and believes he can be more than what some have said he would never become.

I loved this! Mainly because as of late, you can tell by reading previous posts, I to have had my own revelation. I can and have said for some time now that this is the first time in years, maybe since I was a young child, that I do not feel like I am less because (fill in the blank). I am confident in my figure, I am loving my 30s,( 30-32 have been the best of my life). It is not a passing phase. I have reached the thing I have been striving for for years. I am HAPPY with who I am.

Now all of that to say that it doesn't mean I am not taking care of myself, that I don't wear makeup to enhance my natural beauty or stopped enjoying shopping to find those perfect jeans. What it does mean is that I am no longer trying to be something I am not.  And what has helped me to get there is finding those things that I really truly love.  You know that saying " Do What You Love and You Will Love What You Do?'  Well for years I had no idea what that was. It was having Lily and having the opportunity to teach dance aerobics that awakened those things for me. I truly love what I do. Motherhood and Dance are my gems. And thank the Lord for them.

So the question/challenge is:
What is your gem? Do you get excited when you go to work every day? Are you happy with who you are? Are you trying to be something your not? Whatever the answers, own them. Be honest with yourself and make the changes that need to be made. Then rock it. There is nothing shameful in being who you are and doing what God made you to do.

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