So over the course of the last few weeks I have come in contact with several people who've decided acting like a child works better for them. Now I recognize that we all have our moments. Some times we say something out of line or share something that wasn't ours to share. But I cannot stand it when people are petty for no reason. Case in point, I currently teach Zumba at three locations in town. Now I love teaching at all these places, and if given the opportunity I will continue to teach and branch out at other places. I never speak about the other places I teach while in class but I do have several people who follow me on facebook and are aware of my teaching schedule. Now it has come to my attention that certain people who teach the same classes as me are being petty and gossiping about other instructors. This is useless and pointless to me. If I have a student come up to me after a class and discuss another teacher I will often tell them that they are entitled to their opinion and if they want to share their concerns with the director that is the best thing for them to do. Otherwise try other instructors. ( I mean for goodness sakes we have 8 teachers find who you like and go to their class) But I do not have patience for the instructors who bad mouth other instructors or go to the "boss" and tell them negative things for the sake of tattling. I mean seriously how old are you?! For some reason certain instructors don't like sharing/subbing for other instructors and that is fine I suppose. But what does it really matter. We are teaching a freaking zumba class for crying out loud. This is not an do or die situation so who cares when and if you teach. Ugh.
Ok done with on to rest of my day